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It all started with a dash

Welcome to this short post where I will tell a little about who I am and how my journey as an...

Welcome to this short post where I will tell a little about who I am and how my journey as an entrepreneur and independent artist started.

It all started in my old apartment back in 2017, where I wanted something simple and timeless for my wall. I had paper, a marker and frame. When I was a child, my sisters and I often drew, and often played that you could not lift the pen from the paper, but still draw a motif. I have always admired this art form and think it can do something magical. You must not stop the line, it must be moving. It is the hand that controls and not you that controls the hand. You are forced not to think about the end result, but to be present in the moment and toe the line in the moment. I drew my first real one-line face for the frame in my bedroom - actually thought it looked crazy, but the more I looked at it, the more expressions I could find. I took a picture and posted it on my private instagram in a story. Overwhelmingly, I got messages from both friends and people I didn't know, asking if they could buy the work and if I could make more. Suddenly I found myself saying yes to the requests, and the next day I went into town, bought markers and paper, drew faces all day and the first week I was sold out.

Not fully understanding the journey that had begun, I created a CVR number and a business profile on my Instagram - which was really intended to act as an online portfolio where I could share my ideas. More people started following my profile and buying my works. Sometimes even if they had only seen a corner of the work, in a sneak peak. The artist's journey had begun and my business was allowed to flourish while I looked after my studio. I set up the company the same week I started my studies. For the first two years of my professional bachelor, I studied construction and design management in Kolding, where I learned indispensable knowledge about running a business. Many people think that I paint all day, but as one man in a company, there are a thousand other tasks during a day. It has been great to learn everything from scratch and feel the support of people who still buy my art.

My head is always bursting with ideas and it gets an outlet through my art. I have been a creative soul all my life and love to experiment and try new things. This is one of the reasons why I will graduate as a bachelor in furniture design in a few weeks, as I wanted to learn and realize my ideas within this field as well. I am so grateful for the journey I am on and that I can have an everyday life where I love what I do and do what I love.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading and for supporting and following along.



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